Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Lore!

Happy St. Patrick's day, everybody! We hope you are dressed in green, a favorite color of the leprechauns! We thought that today, we would go deep into detail of these tricky little creatures. First of all, St. Patrick's day is a fairy associated holiday. It originated from Ireland and Scotland, of course, and those are the main fairy areas. Most people you will meet there may have at least one story of them or a relative/friend meeting a leprechaun or fairy! That is because many fairies love to live there. And leprechauns are a type of Fae. They are said to look like little men about three feet high or smaller, with white beards, and are dressed from head to toe in green. Actually, they are said to wear a green or red coat. It is also said that they constantly busy themselves by making shoes, and you will often stumble upon them doing so. They love gold and store it in little pots, which they then put at the end of a rainbow. If a human finds a leprechaun, they can persuade them into giving them their gold, but the human cannot take their eyes of the leprechaun or else he will disappear with his pot of gold. They are also depicted as males, most of the time. We believe they are kind little men, but have a strong temper if treated the wrong way. So now you know what to do if you ever meet a leprechaun, but remember, you do not have to ask for gold! Perhaps you could just ask for a friend...

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