
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy Beltane!

Hello everyone, we sincerely apologize about the inconvenience with our blog! We got too caught up in many things and have not posted in such a long time, we are so sorry and hope that you will still comment and view The Enchanted World of Fairies! Anyway, some of you may know that yesterday was May Day, a holiday taking place on the first day of May. It is a festival taking place in many countries around the world, and it celebrates springtime. But there is also another significant meaning to the day of May 1st. It is a holiday called Beltane, and it is considered a fairy holiday. Without a doubt, it is an old, traditional holiday, but it is still incredibly important. On this day back in the old times, early pagans would celebrate the transition from Spring to Summer by dancing around and decorating trees with beautiful flowers and ribbons, lighting a sacred bonfire on top of a hill, and leaving anonymous bouquets of flowers and treats on people's doorsteps. These are often called May boughs. If the giver was caught, a kiss would be exchanged! In fact, the tree of us; Alice, James, and Skye, performed this same tradition yesterday successfully. Good thing none of us were caught! Although these are wonderful, lighthearted traditions are great fun, they are not usually performed in the modern days. What a shame! Although we are sure it would be appreciated by the Fae if you decided on practicing this amazing  holiday from now on! Make sure to leave the fairies a nice little feast, as well! It would be an incredibly kind act and may be rewarded with wonderful gifts. And possibly in more ways than you think! Although Beltane was yesterday, it would be alright if you decide to practice these traditions today or tomorrow. Happy Beltane!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Long Time, No See!

Hello all Fae lovers! We, Alice, James, and Skye, sincerely apologize for lack of posts! We have not been on the blog in so long, and have obviously not been able to create any new posts about the fairies! We will now be updating and writing all new information, so tune in for more knowledge about these wonderful little creatures! We will also be hoping for more comments. And don't forget to visit our second blog! Make sure to check the blog as much as possible, and post any questions you may have! Best wishes, Alice, James, and Skye.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Lore!

Happy St. Patrick's day, everybody! We hope you are dressed in green, a favorite color of the leprechauns! We thought that today, we would go deep into detail of these tricky little creatures. First of all, St. Patrick's day is a fairy associated holiday. It originated from Ireland and Scotland, of course, and those are the main fairy areas. Most people you will meet there may have at least one story of them or a relative/friend meeting a leprechaun or fairy! That is because many fairies love to live there. And leprechauns are a type of Fae. They are said to look like little men about three feet high or smaller, with white beards, and are dressed from head to toe in green. Actually, they are said to wear a green or red coat. It is also said that they constantly busy themselves by making shoes, and you will often stumble upon them doing so. They love gold and store it in little pots, which they then put at the end of a rainbow. If a human finds a leprechaun, they can persuade them into giving them their gold, but the human cannot take their eyes of the leprechaun or else he will disappear with his pot of gold. They are also depicted as males, most of the time. We believe they are kind little men, but have a strong temper if treated the wrong way. So now you know what to do if you ever meet a leprechaun, but remember, you do not have to ask for gold! Perhaps you could just ask for a friend...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Second Blog!

We have very exciting news, and we apologize that it is not more information about fairies (we will make sure to do that soon), although if you are interested in mermaids, keep reading! We have made yet another blog called "The Mystical Mermaid Realm!" We are very excited and confident about this blog, and we really hope that you visit it! We would especially love comments! But keep in mind that we just started today, so there are not many posts. If you are interested in learning about mermaids, go to: Thanks! Best wishes, Alice, James, and Skye.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Different Names for Fairies

If you have ever heard or seen people using other odd names for fairies, such a "Fae" or "Fates," and not have known what exactly they were talking about, then we will simply explain it to you. Well, according to the different folklore of different places or cultures around the world, fairies will most usually have a different name in that area. Places such as Wales, Cornwall, Ireland, and Manx tend to have many, many different names for the fairies. Here, we will give you a list of different names and spelling for the fairies:

Fae, Fey, Fay, Faeries, Good People, Little People, The Green Children, Good Neighbors, Fates, Fair Folk, Twylth Teg, Greencoaties, Li'l Fellas, The Old People, People of Peace, Sleigh Beggey, Wee People, Pigsies/Piskies

These are only a small amount of names we could think of, although we hope they are useful to you! Enjoy!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Comment Replies

We apologize that all of the replies to your comments say they are from "Kaija Blue," they are really from the three of us; we just use that account name sometimes to reply to comments. So do not worry if you get a reply that says, "From Kaija Blue," it is definitely us responding! Just to make things clear... In case you were a bit unsure. We will probably be responding with our own email now. And just a reminder: Keep commenting! We love receiving your comments; we love answering questions and writing you back! It is just so flattering to hear what you have to say about our blog, all of your comments so far were super nice! Best wishes, Alice, James, and Skye.

A Fairy's Appearance

Now, when looking for fairies in nature, you must not expect that they are going to look like little winged people with magic wands. It seems that most humans assume exactly that. But really, they are spirits of nature. Some fairies do chose to look slightly like the types of fairies we imagine, with human features and long, silky hair, wings of dragonflies or butterflies, dresses or clothing fashioned from leaves and mosses and flowers; due to the help of a little fairy glamour. Glamour is the type of magic that can make an ugly old hag appear to the human eye as a beautiful young maiden, or make a pile of ashes or dirt take the form of a ripe, golden apple. But in reality, if consuming that ripe, golden apple, you are still eating a pile of ashes or dirt. Or if befriending that beautiful, young maiden, she is still an ugly old hag. That is how fairy glamour works. It is commonly used for the changeling trade, which is when fairy parents switch their sick or ugly Fae child for a beautiful healthy mortal child. Or sometimes, the fairy parents just leave an enchanted piece of wood, known as a board, which is when the glamour applies. The Fae use glamour to make the wood board look like a human baby, where it appears to grow sick and die right in front of the mortal parent's eyes. It is actually quite sad, it is deffinately one of the Fae's most unpleasant traditions. Anyway, let us get back to fairy appearances. We will explain more about changelings another time. So, fairies generally tend look like mists, balls of light (known as orbs), flashes of color, shadowy figures, etc. You usually will see them in those basic forms, because most people cannot always see them full on. Unless, of course, you practice regularly and learn to train your brain. Fairies can obviously fly, accept they do not need wings. They can sometimes choose to have wings for decoration, but they re not absolutely necessary because they can fly naturally. Now, if you have ever seen any of those things (mysterious mists, balls of light, flashes of color, or shadowy figures), you have probably seen a fairy! So keep your eyes open, and remember, expect the unexpected.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What do Fairies Like?

Now that you know what fairies dislike, you probably would like to know what they do like! It is said that fairies love milk, honey, bread, and cream so it may be a good idea to leave those foods as offering to them. Fae love when humans leave out a bowl or pail of water, so they can wash their babies. They are also attracted to any kind of creativity, including art, poetry, writing, dancing, music, etc. If you are doing any of those activities, they just might whisper ideas of inspiration to you! They love anything shiny, such as silver, gold, gems, jewelry, and much more. If you are building a fairy house, perhaps leave some glittery objects for them to admire. The good fairies, like those of the Seelie Court, are supposedly easy to please as long as you treat them with respect. Also, they are attracted to children laughing and playing, and will either peek out at them through the trees, or even join in with them! Fae folk love neatness and tidiness, and as mentioned before, will mildly punish maidens who do not have a clean home. Hospitality, generosity, and good manners will please the fairies. They are not attracted to people who are angry, cruel, selfish, and ill mannered. Well, at least not the good kinds of Fae. Oh, we almost forgot to mention that they love cake, jam, chocolate, and other delicacies. They always love to be around kind people who care for the Earth, because nature is their home and they cherish it dearly. Fae love to go to any welcoming, comforting place when they are eagerly invited, so perhaps you can ask them to come visit your home or room by leaving them their own little area where they can celebrate and play. That is all for now, and if you are wondering about their favorite plants and flowers or anything else at all, make sure to leave a comment and we will write another post about the topic! Thanks!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What do Fairies Dislike?

We thought that it would be very useful to know what exactly the fairies dislike, just to be aware. It is very important to know all you can about these little creatures, if you are planning to one day meet them, and become friends with them. Actually, knowing their hatreds can in fact protect you at times. So here are some things that meet the Fae folk's dislikes. Fairies, as mentioned in another post, absolutely despise cold metal and iron. It is said to weaken them, and perhaps drain their powers and magic. It can indeed hurt them, so only use it if absolutely necessary. Also, offering fairies clothing will drive them away. We are not quite sure why, we think it has to do with pride or dignity, and it will highly offend them. There have been many stories of humans giving their house elves or fairies clothing, and never seeing them again. So never, ever give a fairy clothing. Next, also mentioned in a previous post, Rue, St. Johns Wort, and Yarrow will scare fairies away. Again, we are not positive why exactly this is, but we do know that they do not like it. So unless you do not want fairies in your garden, do not plant these flowers and herbs! Fairies also dislike messiness and untidiness. It is said that house wives or maidens who do not keep their homes clean are pinched and poked by the Fae as they sleep. Keeping your space clean and tidy is a good idea for attracting fairies, and you may even receive little gifts from them! They also strongly dislike (for whatever reason) being contained within borders, probably because they feel trapped. Our tip is to never try to catch a fairy in general, because they will find it very offensive and become angry. We also believe that fairies hate salt, so if you are ever offering a fairy food, never put salt on it. Although we are not positive that this is true, because it seems that it is a part of some fairies' bodies, such as mermaids, water fairies, and sea nymphs. They may live in oceans, which are filled with salt. But just to be cautious, never give a fairy salted food. They also do not like any kind of violent, brutal enjoyment, or greedy people who gather the very last bits of grain, drink the entire glass of milk without leaving just a bit, or picking the last fruits off the tree and leaving it bare. They feel that it is very selfish to leave nothing for them as an offering. So keep these valuable facts in mind, for you do not want to set them off. Be kind to the fairies always, and they will be kind to you in return!

Blog tips!

In this post, we thought it best to give you tips on how to use this blog and what to see while you're here; we know that it's not exactly fairy-related, but it might be useful to get the very best information. First of all, while exploring our blog, make sure to take a look at our other pages, such as "Meeting the Fairies." You will see a purple bar going across the top of the page, so click on which page you would like to go to if you wish. Because the other pages have some very useful information, as well. Next, to make sure you get to read as many of our posts as possible, either scroll down through them, (obviously) or for a quicker way, go to the bottom of the page and look at our blog archive. It will have all of our posts on it, so click on which one you would like to read and it will automaticlly take you there. And if you would like to read our first few posts, click on the button that says, "Older Posts." Because we are making new posts almost every day now, make sure to come back and check as much as you can! Also, if you love our blog, we would enjoy some followers! Scroll down near the bottom and you will see a blue button that says "Join this Site." Click on it if you like! We highly apprictiate those who leave comments or recommend our content on google, so thank you all to those amazing fairy lovers! Best wishes, Alice, James, and Skye.

Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Protect Yourself from Fairies

Although fairies can be some of the kindest creatures, there are also some very malicious, violent Fae out there. Which is exactly why you must know how to protect yourself. Here's our first tip: Do not trust a fairy, unless you know them well. Fairies can mislead you, trick you, mess with your head, and in some cases, (If the fairy was very cruel, like those of the Unseelie Court) torture or kill you. But do not fear fairies because of this! Just know to stay away from certain Fae. Next, it is said that when you wear the color red, you are invisible to evil fairies, and therefore they cannot hurt you. If you do not have any red clothing, you can tie a piece of red thread into your hair. You can also wear your clothing inside out or backwards, which repels bad fairies, because it confuses them. If you are having very, very terrible happenings with the fairies, you may want to plant Rue, St. John's Wort, or Yarrow in you garden to drive them away. Next, try to keep an iron nail in your pocket at all times. In fact, anything iron will do. A fish hook, a pin, anything iron. It is also said you can use steel if needed. Fairies absolutely hate cold iron (And steel!). Also, fairies strongly dislike running water and bells. Especially church bells, because fairies are against Christianity. And if you are being chased by the fairies, try jumping over any source of running water such as a stream or brooke. You can also where a cross. Well, these are all the ways to protect yourself that we can think of off the top of our heads. If you happen to know any more, we would be pleased if you posted them in a comment.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

More Pages to Come

Now, the three of us have decided that the entire meeting the fairies topic was worthy of its own page, so we will now have another page titled, "Meeting the Fairies." Obviously, not all topics will be placed on the home page, so make sure to check out all the other topics and information. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fairies are Real!

Despite all the negative comments you may hear including, "Fairies are not real!," or, "There is no way fairies could ever  exist!," just know that fairies are indeed real. If you do not think so, then this is not the site for you. But let me just say, humans have obviously not explored and covered every single bit of this entire earth. Why is it that unseen things are automatically not real to the human brain? Because frankly, believing is seeing. In other words, "You will see it when you believe it." So why exactly is it so hard to believe in these wonderful, spirits of nature? Because if you have any hopes in ever spotting theses enchanting creatures, the first step is believing. Fairies will never bother with a person who does not even believe in them. So step into the magical, unearthly world of the Fae, if you decide to. Or don't. You can either open yourself up to the endless possibilities of life, or block out the wonder and magic of the world around you. But choose wisely, because there is no going back.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Fairy Beggining

Hello, and welcome to the enchanted world of fairies! The creators of this blog are three fairy experts, known as Alice, James, and Skye. We have had many close encounters with the fairies, and possess much knowledge of the enchanted folk. Our goal is to educate people of all ages around the world of these amazing creatures. So if you would like to get to know the fairies, please join us in our magical adventure to explore the mysteries of these mischievous little people!