Here you will find all the information you need to know about the enchanted world of the fae! Because here, we belive...
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Happy Beltane!
Hello everyone, we sincerely apologize about the inconvenience with our blog! We got too caught up in many things and have not posted in such a long time, we are so sorry and hope that you will still comment and view The Enchanted World of Fairies! Anyway, some of you may know that yesterday was May Day, a holiday taking place on the first day of May. It is a festival taking place in many countries around the world, and it celebrates springtime. But there is also another significant meaning to the day of May 1st. It is a holiday called Beltane, and it is considered a fairy holiday. Without a doubt, it is an old, traditional holiday, but it is still incredibly important. On this day back in the old times, early pagans would celebrate the transition from Spring to Summer by dancing around and decorating trees with beautiful flowers and ribbons, lighting a sacred bonfire on top of a hill, and leaving anonymous bouquets of flowers and treats on people's doorsteps. These are often called May boughs. If the giver was caught, a kiss would be exchanged! In fact, the tree of us; Alice, James, and Skye, performed this same tradition yesterday successfully. Good thing none of us were caught! Although these are wonderful, lighthearted traditions are great fun, they are not usually performed in the modern days. What a shame! Although we are sure it would be appreciated by the Fae if you decided on practicing this amazing holiday from now on! Make sure to leave the fairies a nice little feast, as well! It would be an incredibly kind act and may be rewarded with wonderful gifts. And possibly in more ways than you think! Although Beltane was yesterday, it would be alright if you decide to practice these traditions today or tomorrow. Happy Beltane!